Anthony Scott Burns Japanese (2025)

1. Lost Boy - The Panics

  • Lost Boy is an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by American action classics and Japanese samurai films. The idea of Lost Boy was born years back by ...

  • Directed by Ash Thorp and Anthony Scott Burns. Year unknown. Population Zero. Welcome to Lost Boy. Lost Boy is an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai films. Lost Boy is sure to instantly capture viewers with its highly visual and unparalleled sci-fi world. The idea of Lost Boy was born years back by Ash Thorp’s passion for sketching out these unique characters and scenarios, which quickly gained a huge fan base.

2. Lost Boy - Atlanta Sci-fi Film Festival

  • An ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by American action classics and Japanese samurai films, celebrated filmmakers Ash Thorp and Anthony Scott ...

3. Lost Boy || Featured Short Film

Lost Boy || Featured Short Film

4. Watch the best 'Anthony Scott Burns' Short Films - Short of the Week

  • An ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by American action classics and Japanese samurai films, celebrated filmmakers Ash Thorp and Anthony Scott Burns ...

  • Watch Manifold by on Short of the Week—a about in —, min

Watch the best 'Anthony Scott Burns' Short Films - Short of the Week

5. LOST BOY from playlist, Anthony Scott Burns — MAFF

  • Year unknown. Population Zero. Welcome to LOST BOY, an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai ...

  • Year unknown. Population Zero. Welcome to LOST BOY, an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai films. production company: The Panics, director: Ash Thorp, director: Anthony Scott Burns

LOST BOY from playlist, Anthony Scott Burns — MAFF

6. Lost Boy - Brewer Logic

  • ... Anthony Scott Burns directed, which is heavily influenced by American action classics and Japanese samurai films. Ash invited me to be part of the team and ...

  • The work of Web Developer Adam Brewer. Based in Bristol, UK.

Lost Boy - Brewer Logic

7. Lost Boy - Ash Thorp

  • Lost Boy is an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai films. ... Directed by - Ash Thorp + Anthony Scott ...

  • Lost Boy is an ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by the American action classics and Japanese samurai films. It instantly captures viewers with its highly visual and unparalleled sci-fi world.Year unknown. Population zero. Welcome to Lost Boy.

Lost Boy - Ash Thorp

8. Lost Boy - Matthijs Joor - Portfolio

  • It is directed by Ash Thorp and Anthony Scott Burns. I've been involved in the project from early on; first by developing a system to streamline the match ...


Anthony Scott Burns Japanese (2025)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.